kabus ribut.. heheh.. a friend just download it from the net.. seriously good song. and exceptionally superb clip. just look it up at the net...butterworld ade kot.(er.. ke mmg dah famous kat malaysia...?? pape je la..aku mmg ketinggalan..hehe) but anyway.. i don't really know about artistic shit or anything.. but seriously, butterfingers do make some of the best words for a song... remember ME..?? heh.. i esp like SILK.. (there were times where i used to quote their lyrics in every letter or cards i wrote... fcking h**l...hey..i was 15!!)and they really know their tune.. (chemistry.. chrome..vio-pipe..weird..?? got the idea..??) not that the other malaysian bands are not good.. don't get me wrong... i love listening to Lo..intoxicated..nice stupid playground or even OAG, but butter is top in the list...but anyway.. just saying.. listen to them.. feel them.. and once its out, go to a store and buy 'em... heh.. kabus ribut.. f*ck.. even the title sounds cool.