Tuesday, September 21, 2004

making babies...

so.. whats with the picture..??? nahh.. nothing special.. tgh bosan nih.. memain komputer org(gaya tak malu).... hehehe. anyway.. those guys are my classmates here.. not all but.. err 10(inc me) out of the 20. the one with the yellow shirt is piang(tuan punyer komputer..hehe) and the guy with the big grin wearing spectacles(not goggles) is tawil...( just mentioning those guy cause they have a link from my site). oh, one more guy.. ajoey. budak depan piang. anyway.. apsal.. aku taip nih...?? oh.. just got bored... waiting for an item to end at ebay... though its great fun shopping(err.. bidding, playing..hehe) there.... there are some f*ckers who doesn't know how to appreciate good businees.. i've done about 60 buys there,.. and its great.. esp when you're loking for good computer stuff... or any old rare items.. but right now i'm still waiting for my athlon processor, waiting and not hearing a word..(f*&%ers...) sorry for the harsh words.. but i'm really pissed off... so right now i'm bidding on another one.. and hopefully this'll go well... and by wednesday all my stuff will be up and running...(the almost perfect shuttle..) hopefully...*sigh...

weh.. check out mache's site.. there's a link to an anti bush song.. nofx nyanyi... ingat nak letak gak. tapi unfairla.. nak usha pegi blog mache la...
i was reading the latest issue of pczone the other day.. (best mag for pcgamers).. tust me.... anyway, one of the columnist wrote.. it's like having babies.. once you start, you can't stop... heh.. yeah right.. anyway, he was answering to somebody who's asking for tips on how to make a powerful budget pc... i guess its true(but i never had babies before, mind you.. :p ).. thats why i'm stuck right now with no pc... trying to make my 2nd baby(sold the 1st one, after lots of fiddling,.. amateur...some prob say.. yeah2.. f*%k off.)... even got cheated in the process(f*&%^&ers..).. *sigh.. anyway.. pray that it'll be a healthy one..(boy i hope..hehe) . what am i bullsh*&ing... okla.. chiow la.. assalamualaikum<-----ade org sound nih..hihihi.