Monday, October 11, 2004


everybody's been cranky this past few days.. heard people shout, some argued and i even saw some bad remarks on the msger... everybody's having this big burden on their head... squashing, putting pressure... every car on the road giving out smoke or any oil seen spilling reminds us of MARPOL(marine pollution) and any construction site passed or work being done reminds us of COSWP(code of safeworking practice)... well maybe this is exaggerating, but i'm just saying that us here are reaching our pinnacle, in two weeks time we'll be finishing our HND(insyaallah..) and next month it'll be our oral for our certificate of compentancy.. the licence we need to go on board... without this we won't be going sailing, and no sailing.. no job.. thus no money.. and no money.. tak kawinla.. muhahaha(did i even say that.. f*ck....) but anyway, hopefully everything will be fine and everybody will pass this oral with the first try... as cool as everybody tried to be(abg cheng pun tgh jadik cool...heh) its quite clear though that everybody's worried(except daniel...celakak ciner..) and with the slightest stupid joke thrown at, anybody is at a potential of exploding... luckily for me i kept my stomach full. i don't really know why i'm writting this, maybe bacause i suddenly felt like it.. and at least anybody who doesn't understand anything would wake up and realise that everyone's feeling the same thing... everyone's being pressed and compressed... you're not the only one getting the hogging and sagging...(too much naval arch..muhahaha)*sigh... anyway.. doa2kanla kitorang ekk.. muhahaahhaha.